Monday, July 1, 2013


Through a gap I could see them
Between trees’ branches
I watch, sitting high above.

First two, then four stroll easily
I almost hear them
Turning, laughing, marking time.

Do they know walking the beach
Will smooth their very soles?
Darken their skin, kink their hair?

Bare feet will lose calluses
Pale skin burns, then tans.
Windblown hair dries, splits then curls

The mighty sea is watching
Gazing into hearts,
Affecting souls, snatching bodies

Are they paying attention?
Breathing it all in
To draw some inspiration

No, they look for shells, shark’s teeth
And conversation.
Thinking of  breakfast, coffee.

Planning the day, and the week,
Forgetting the beach,
Frothing sea, the rising sun 

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