Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Wisdom Comes Unexpectedly Sometimes

Robert Crais writes detective stories centering around his detective, Elvis Cole. Elvis has a sometimes not so visible partner, Joe Pike. Joe is the strong and silent type, wearing sunglasses most of the time, grunting or twitching the corners of his mouth to express his thoughts. The most recent book in the series that I've read is entitled Voodoo River.   In it, Joe actually utters a few complete sentences and one of them caught my eye, leading to what follows:


We’ve spent time on the road,
This month more than most.
Lots with friends and family,

Some with just ourselves.
We’ve glanced at new sights,
Heard new sounds.

Been to places unknown before
Traveled roads unseen
But sights and sounds, sometimes we ignored

Why didn’t we remind ourselves,
Stumbling along that path,
That some things are indeed quite rare?

“Love is not so plentiful
That any of us can afford
To reject it when it’s offered
from whomever.”--Joe Pike

It makes me ask a question.
Isn't the same thing true as well, 
when the shoe is on 
the other foot? If so, it follows

Love is not so plentiful
That when it stirs within
You can afford the price 

If you withhold it or deny.
Let it show, with no regrets.
Life is short and too much goes undone.

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