Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Whatever your belief system, whether you believe in God the Creator; or Brahma, the creator along with Vishnu and Shiva, the preserver and the destroyer, respectively; or Pangu, the Chinese god who separated Yin from Yang; or Allah, the creator, sustainer, ordainer and judge; or the Prime Mover, the Intelligence that guides the universe. You must know there is a reason for everything. There is an intelligence that guides or guided the universe.  

I am less certain of that these days. I was recently reminded of this when a spark of light ever so briefly illuminated a truth inside that smallish space reserved inside my skull for my cranium. The skull surrounding that space can be incredibly thick and nearly impossible to penetrate.  And why?  Our brains are supposed to be our means of making sense of the world and the senses give the appearance of direct interface with the brain.  But the thick skull gets in the way and the light the senses aim toward the brain gets deflected.  After that, it is not what it was meant to be.  The dim light that arrives at its destination only faintly bears any trace of resemblance to reality, or so it seems.  So, we are free to kid ourselves and/or dream up versions of reality that suit our egos or our wishes etc.

We are free to create our own version of reality and ignore some messages simply because we cannot get the truth through our thick skulls.  I know some process like that must be in play.  There is no other explanation for how many times something has to hit me in the head before I get it.  Recently, a point I know had been made to me by this universe finally sank in.  It was a crashing disappointment when it finally settled in.  But that was most likely made to feel that way by the illusion I had created around it.  It would have been simpler if the old skull weren't so impenetrable, allowing room for me to make it all up in my own head instead of seeing clearly.

So what's the point here?  How do you learn to open your mind?  To listen and observe better.  You have to stop looking for what you want to see, judging the world by some standard or vision you have dreamed up.   Search me, I'm just trying to breathe, to be still and observe.  If my brain will cease to occupy itself with racing around, maybe, just maybe, it will allow a little more light in.

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