Monday, June 24, 2013

Some Things Just Have To Stay

At least twenty-eight years ago, perhaps more; a promising young woodworker, Uncle Mike, made several of the Christmas trees pictured below and it was our privilege to receive one for Christmas.  It has graced our home(s) every year since (by my count, we have moved five times since then, but please note that I am a mere husband, and that count must remain unofficial until Sheila certifies it).  

A string of lights attached to the back of the tree make it especially charming at night.  I haven't asked how many of the others made lovingly that year have survived, I imagine any not still in use by the original recipients, have been handed down and are lighting up someone's home each Christmas.  In this pic, you can observe that ours has now made its sixth move (remember, folks, that's unofficial).  It will be stored in this climate-controlled space until Thanksgiving, when it will, as usual, be the first Christmas decoration to appear in our house.  The timing sure fits, we are thankful for all the years and all the family it represents--most especially for Mike and his handiwork, of which I know this is only one little example.  I realize the following is mistimed, but while I'm thinking of it--Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas to all.

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