Monday, July 8, 2013

St. Louis in the South Pacific

Or was it South Pacific in St. Louis?  Geographical confusion is common among homeless migrants.  Ours was the musical kind.  We saw Rodgers and Hammerstein's South Pacific at the MUNY in St. Louis tonight.  The weather was sweltering, but it was worth every minute.  Do you remember the lyrics?  I don't remember when I saw it last, but I am almost certain it was not a stage version.  This was a marvel.  It was the lyrics that I had forgotten that made it so remarkable.  Pieces of Some Enchanted Evening that had disappeared from my memory are floating anew in my brain, like--

...You may hear her laughin'
Across a crowded room
And night after night,
As strange as it seems
The sound of her laughter
Will sing in your dreams...

There's much more, like Younger Than Springtime,

I touch your hands
And my heart grows strong,
Like a pair of birds
That burst with song.
My eyes look down
At your lovely face,
And I hold a world
In my embrace.

Sure, I remember some of the titles and a piece of the melody, but not the remarkable lyrics.  The production in St. Louis was remarkable, not only because of the source material, but the quality of the orchestra and the voices of the performers.  I don't know where it is done better, but give me the MUNY for this one.  

What about this piece of Bali Hai?  Islands are an image that speak to isolation and to dreams all at once.

Most people live on a lonely island,
Lost in the middle of a foggy sea.
Most people long for another island,
One where they know they will like to be.

Or this one from Happy Talk?  Have you thought about what you talk about and who?

Talk about a moon floating in de sky looking like a lily on a lake,
Talk about a bird learning how to fly Making all the music he can make
Happy talk, keep talking' happy talk,Talk about things you'd like to do,
You gotta have a dream, if you don't have a dream,How you gonna have a dream come true?
You don't need to go see it, listen to it.  It will do your heart good.  

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