Saturday, July 13, 2013

A Couple of Free Meals and...

So, what's wrong with a wedding once in a while? Free meals (rehearsal dinner to which us out-of-towners were invited) AND the wedding feast as well. Sure, you have to spend time with some relatives you haven't seen for a while with good reason. But there are usually an equal number of relatives you are glad to spend time with. It's sort of like life, you win some and you lose some, people-wise. Meanwhile, how can you fault a place that calls itself "Pinstripes," and combines bowling, bocce and a fine bistro under one roof, so to speak. The food was excellent; the bocce was under a roof outdoors. The bowling was blessedly out of hearing range and it was a delightful evening. We beheld a gorgeous sunset and a fine meal. SO far so good.... (To be continued, the reception begins in a few minutes). We're back, with another free meal under our belts, and a few reminders for you. There are strange things that occur at wedding receptions. Many people meet their future spouses at weddings. You often see people you haven't seen in a long time at a wedding. And you see them in a different light. You meet strangers and see them differently from other strangers you have met. You see, at a wedding, everyone you meet has some kind of connection with you or you would not both have been invited. So, your guard may be down, or it may deflect things differently, it's just not the same. I should know, I met my wife at a wedding. Who knows what connections were made at this one? Something else I noticed, good wedding bands play your parents' music. It's easier to dance to, it allows those who have enough wine to dance. I even noticed that the grandfather of the bride danced like there was no tomorrow, maybe there is, and maybe there isn't for him. Either he has or he hasn't, but I want to dance as he did at a grandchild's wedding, at least one of them. Oh, and there was enough wine there. I even danced, not well, you understand, but better than I have before, I am sure of it. Something about all the exercise I do, the yoga and the tai chi have loosened up some things, and I have improved. No, no one told me so, I just felt it, I felt differently about it all. The other thing that sometimes occurs at weddings is unusual conversations. I talked with one guy about the Smithfield Company’s effort to broaden its marketing appeal, in part, by creating products like bacon shampoo or bacon cologne. We both wondered about what or whom you'd attract--a dog? We discussed it with one young lady who knew someone who had used bacon shampoo. Sadly, she did not recall what, if any, consequence it had. Later, that same guy and I talked about my theory of weight loss. In short, one of the supporting factors in this theory is that the law of gravity requires that no lost weight actually leaves the planet. Simple enough, if it weighs something, it is not lighter than air and it cannot leave. A corollary to this theory is that therefore any weight someone loses must be gained by someone else or several someones, right? Thinking about it makes you believe you must be vigilant around dieters, doesn't it? See what I mean? Strange things happen at weddings.

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