Thursday, May 23, 2013


The Morning News

I only sit and watch it
When alone, with no one there,
Excepting turtles,
And the birds, the occasional
Alligator, but
I’m sure no one else is there,
Are you?

It’s not really sunrise, but
It is the sun and it is
Rising.  But never
In the East.  The sun rolls up

It lights each tree, but not like
Christmas, with bulbs and blinking.
The branches bloom with light 
like the wall
In your bedroom when the shade
is rolled up slowly

The sun’s light sweeps up your wall…
You watch it taking over, but
My wall is made of trees,
Many hundred feet away.

When the sun clears the treetops
I have moved on.  Making coffee,
Opening blinds, reading e-mail,
Mostly it’s ads and news,

Now and then a glowing one
With human thoughts from a world
Begun anew, another person.

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