Monday, May 20, 2013

Revisiting Remarkable

Revisiting Remarkable

Remarkable: notably or conspicuously unusual; extraordinary, worthy of notice or attention.

What do you remark on?  Do you have an internal conversation for traffic in these remarks?  Or are you sharing those remarks with people?   If you’re not remarking aloud to another person, is it really remarkable?  If you’re the kind of person who talks to your dog or cat, does something you remark to your dog about meet the test of really being “remarkable?” Probably not, you say?  I guess if your dog replies that would be remarkable, unless there were no humans for you to tell about it, then
It wouldn’t be.  As I sit alone at this keyboard, I’m guessing this piece will become a remark, or a collection thereof, once someone reads it (please). 

Why do we notice things that others do not?  Are there things we see every day that we suddenly find remarkable?  Is it perspective? 

Is it mood?  If it is, which moods see life as more remarkable? Some Australian market researchers concluded that people in better moods due to the program they were watching were more positively disposed toward products being advertised, but I think that’s a little too obscure to give moods any credit here.  I will say this, when you are feeling put upon and maybe a bit sorry for yourself, you may just be overlooking some pretty remarkable stuff.  Instead of shutting down like a grump, take a look around.  See what’s around you on this “gas covered planet going around a nuclear fireball 90 million miles away (which we believe) to be normal…” (Douglas Adams The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy). 

Things I’m finding remarkable this morning: Spanish moss reshaping the trees behind my house; the rising sun lighting up the wall of trees bordering the golf course across the lagoon from my house; the near-absolute absence of movement in this scene as no breeze sidles up to make its presence felt, and my apparent ability to call forth said breeze by noticing its absence; the steady hum of life going around outside, heard from a silent house.  Oh leave me here a while to sit and watch.     

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