Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Commencement Speeches

Commencement Speeches

A friend of mine reminded me this is the season for the above-mentioned offerings, so I thought I'd offer my own point of view.  It might be age, but I'm not sure that's why I remember not a single thought from any that I heard.  I think it's more like what I've said below:


I can see them all a-coming
And whatever they are drumming
I'm sure they’ll need a rewrite. 

Don’t offer all those sermons
As bland as first-year German
just douse me with June sunlight.

Along with its most cooling breeze.
Too many times I’ve failed to seize
The day—it’s no surprise.

If you can’t help, I’ll get some dogs
Who’ll make me don some running togs
to see each day’s sunrise.

Either way’s OK,
Just fill my day
With all June’s sun and breezes,

And, if you can, protect me from 
the speech-induced brain freezes.

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