Saturday, December 29, 2012


Sitting quietly in a window overlooking snow-covered Forest Park in St. Louis' Central West End.  What could be more beautiful?  I've seen the park in at least three of the four seasons from this same vantage point, and I have to hand it to winter.  Last evening's snowfall clings to every branch on every piece of vegetation, and it is like a charcoal sketch on the purest white paper.   It's a Saturday morning, quiet in this apartment as no one else has awakened.  One of the blessings of my age and circumstance is that I can spend my favorite time of day in solitude.  Further quieting the scene, street traffic is light--the day of the week lessens the numbers on their way to work or school.  Driving is a voluntary activity for many today and folks are choosing to linger, as I have, over a cup of coffee instead of driving somewhere right now, unless they must. 

All of the trees display their skeletons and at their outermost appear like thin layers of cloud, through which you can just make out the spaces behind.  A clean blanket of snow fills all the space among the trees and bushes.  Almost nothing is untouched by white.   Cloud cover minimizes shadows and will likely extend the life of this picture for hours longer, so I'll sit and breathe it all in.  

Simply gazing at it all can leave your coffee cup unacknowledged, cooling on the table before you.  A shame, in some respects--the microwave is on the fritz, so lukewarm coffee goes to waste this morning.  I am  sure that many people put microwaves to a myriad of uses, but my most frequent use of the microwave is to reheat coffee I have absentmindedly let stand too long.  

It's past nine AM, walkers are beginning to venture into the park, so there can no longer be a solitary stroll in snow.  I am not in any hurry to be out in it, I'll take watching from this perch over the harrowing drive home last night just about every time.  

I simply can't remember the last time I saw snow like this.  I grew up where snow was common, but have left snow behind by living where I live.  On any other day, I'd say the trade off of living in a warmer clime is in my favor, but I'm glad for today, just to watch a while.

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