Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sunday--Doing Nothing or Being No Place.

Sundays often present some options that the rest of the week does not.  What are we doing, where are we going?  Despite my best efforts to leave Sunday wide open, my better half will start asking the day before.  On a pretty day, do I really want to commit to driving someplace?  Driving is driving, especially if you are not going anyplace new.  Our outside temperature will be over seventy degrees, with plenty of sunshine.  We could stay at home, ride our bikes or walk on the beach, although that actually will be nothing new either.  Trying hard not to be complacent about activities that aren't available to everyone in December, but it's looking like our most likely alternative is going nowhere.  I say being not very active helps us contemplate the here and now, which is all we have anyway.  

Another common Sunday activity--watching football on TV--is pleasant enough, but we'd have to go to a sports bar somewhere to see the only team playing today that I want to see (Da Bears).  Last week we met a couple visiting for a few weeks from NY at the bar while we watched a game and they picked up carryout ribs (from the best barbecue place in Hilton Head).    Chances are we would not see them again anyway.  Getting caught up in football can be fun, if your team is succeeding.  But, how you feel about it whether they succeed or not is up to you.  Sometimes it's just fun to be in a group watching.

We could sit at the beach and read, but that's more of a summer activity--the breeze this time of year makes reading a challenge--blowing the pages around fiercely.  As I think about it, I am behind in my reading.  I have no less than five I am in the process of reading.  I can do that with non-fiction books.  TIme to finish one, wouldn't you say?  I don't know, keeping them all going at once, you cannot help but see their interconnectedness--in part because you don't remember where the earlier thought you are connecting came from when you have that many books going.  But, interconnectedness is another facet of life I like to revisit on Sundays.

Is this what depression is like?  You look at all the possibilities, then do nothing?  It seems like I read every day.  I have thought for some time that Sundays are for doing nothing much--if that's what pleases you.  Doesn't sound depressing to me.  I am however married to someone who wants to be "doing something" every day.  It's probably good for me, as I might otherwise retreat into books and football.  Together we achieve a kind of balance, doing nothing or going somewhere, being no place or doing something.  Today, I'll try to do and go while being no place in particular.  Or will I go someplace and do nothing special?  The trick is to focus on the rest of the world and not on your own self, which is mostly a figment of your mind and imagination.  Either way, it's a Sunday mindset.  I'd better go...

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