Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Giving Thanks Without A List, A Holiday, or A Sale

When Thanksgiving rolls around, is a list in order?  I don't think I am prepared for that.  I always have to worry about what I leave out if I do.  But, if a truce holds in Gaza, I think that would be at the head of most lists, even this list-that-is-not-a-list..  

If you were making a list, you would include family on it--at least most of your family.  But if you get down to listing family members so you can leave some out, you run the risk of leaving someone out for whom you are thankful.  It's fun to poke fun at families that struggle with the annual get-together that is Thanksgiving. Jokes and sitcoms poke lots of fun, and sometimes those efforts hit the nail on the head.  But my son reminded me today that Thanksgiving is something no one should have to do alone.  He found three or four people without family this Thanksgiving, so they are joining us at his house, making them family for the day.  In light of that, I'd say family has to make this-list-that-is-not-a-list.  

There are risks if you start listing friends on that list of what for you are thankful for.  I have some dear friends I am especially thankful for, a few of whom I have reminded of that fact today.  But I won't succumb to making a list.  I would find myself remembering to list my current friends, and risk forgetting my oldest friends.  What happens if I rekindle and reconnect, how do I explain that they didn't make the list?  It gets complicated.  As for me, I think I have to put another item on this list--connection with friends, whether the connection is current or was once upon a time.  It will surprise you, if ever you enjoy the same opportunity I am enjoying this month--seeing how quickly it all comes back when you reconnect with long lost friends.  Gee, this not-a-list is getting a bit longer.  

I could go on, now that I am giving in to the urge to make a list--listing all of those things that are part of my life today for which I am thankful--friends, family, health, sunshine, rain, love, generosity to those in need, food for the hungry, compassion in all its forms, even disease when it teaches us to treasure the time we have.  Then there are beaches, the ocean, birds, trees, flowers, dolphins, whales, turtles, alligators, dogs, geckoes (not the ones that sell insurance), wind, waves, sunsets, red moons, apples, pumpkins, even brussels sprouts.  You see how painful this is going to be?  Let's compromise, just add this one to the list--the reminders all around us to be thankful for all things.  

It will take more time that I have to make the list one that I am satisfied with, which was why I didn't want to start in the first place.  But I want to go back to that last one, the reminders to be thankful.  I am thankful for that one especially.  I had the opportunity to send Thanksgiving greetings to an old friend tonight who lives in Sweden.  It struck me as odd that he probably doesn't observe the holiday there--Thanksgiving is uniquely American, I think.  He grew up with me and probably remembers. He may be ahead of us in one respect, as he reflects on what he's thankful for this time of year, he probably isn't being bombarded with Black Friday sales ads, and for that I am sure he is thankful.  

Thanks everyone, or as one of my neighbors once said, "thanks to all y'all."    

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