Friday, June 8, 2012

Wine A Bit, You’ll Feel Better

This little note will have little or nothing to do with wine and the fact that this is Friday. I just like the phrase. I found it at a party store—surprise. But feeling better is up to you, isn't it? I understand some maladies don't disappear just because you decide to feel better. However, most physical conditions are that way—they can't be wished away. So our choices are to deny the issue or accept it, right? If you deny it, reality will catch up with you. It will still be present, and will continue to make itseIf known. If you accept it, the outcome will be the same, but without the catching up.

Whatever is coming about from this malady is likely to continue. So, the next decision is whether to feel bad, neutral or good about it. If I choose to feel bad about it, then that is too bad, or two bad—I will feel bad from the malady, and feel bad about having the malady. If I choose to feel neutral about this case, I will feel only the badness that arises from the malady. If I feel good about having the malady, people are likely to talk. What kind of a nut feels good about having a malady? But how does that hurt? It is only what they think or say, right?

But, it doesn't hurt you, does it? So, score one for accepting and then feeling good about having the malady.

So, let's move on to non-physical conditions, things that are only "in the mind." What happens if I face the same choices on a non-physical condition or mood? Well, I can compound the problem by feeling bad about it, let it happen or exist by being neutral, or say it ain't so and struggle with it. So score one for letting it happen, because struggling with it creates its own anxiety. Hmm.

So the one thing in common is that neither case supports feeling bad about it, right? Just wallowing in it isn't desirable, is it? But denying it or ignoring it doesn't make it go away. So what about good old "poor me?" It sounds like an option we might explore, if we wine a bit.

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