Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Busy Days Require Slow Ones

OK, I get it, I get it. Happiness contains the seeds of sadness. Life implies eventual death. Cold and hot cannot exist without each other. If the world were tepid all the time, we would not have hot and cold and that first chill that catches your breath on a crisp fall morning would never occur. It's the yin and yang repeated over and over, but people still deny, deny, deny. The important thing to understand is that it is all in the tension between the interdependent forces in the world and their interplay. We are given life and occasional happiness, what comes along for the ride? Well, it does. It just does and denying it doesn't change the fact. My good friend has told me we must expand our hearts in the face of this tension. That is true courage. But the fear remains, shrinking the heart. But I can stop that. Or can I?

Oh my—is this where you use OMG? I know this one! It's the endless knot—you've probably seen it before.

It has many interpretations, officially it's "the interplay and interaction of the opposing forces in the dualistic world of manifestation, leading to their union, and ultimately to harmony in the universe." Another interpretation is that it symbolizes samsara-- the endless cycle of suffering or birth, death and rebirth within Tibetan Buddhism. But I like two others—love and friendship is one. I continue to know those throughout my life at all kinds of intersections. Another is wisdom and compassion, still a work in progress there. But I'll keep working this endless knot, with a little help from my friends. On some busy days, I lose track and forget it all, trusting life and happiness are not that fragile. Oops.

At some point in my life, this made more sense, but now I know what we're in for. Now, when I have busy days, I know slow ones will be coming. It's a requirement. Those slow days will come with time to come back and think it through again.

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