The Universe is sending a broadband message—the clock is ticking. Impermanence is the only permanent thing in this plane. Today, it has me thinking about life in terms of more and less. What do I want more of in my life? Music, songs about summer, long conversations with friends, Nature--walks on the beach, visits north in the summer. Oh, and I suppose regular exercise, breathing deeply; there's more in my head, but that's a good start. Less is where old Rush fits in. Don't get me wrong, I have listened to him on and off for years. More often than not, I found him persuasive, and, on occasion, amusing. But, to some extent, this is a zero-sum game. Something has to go, to make room, no? More music… No more Rush! For some, any old reason is good enough, I'm afraid.
Now, the same goes for those long conversations with dear friends. More of those requires less TV, surely. Not even HGTV (just kidding, I only mention it as it is like background noise at my house). But that's not all, most important of these is Nature. What has to move out to make room for Nature? I'll need more room, somehow, metaphorically speaking. Can the world expand?
Like my closet, if I want everything to fit in the space allotted to me, I really ought to give away a shirt or a pair of slacks whenever I buy new. A good friend of mine tells me I have to create a more expansive view of the world I live in to take in what life hands me. Maybe those shirts and slacks wind up in the hands of someone who needs them and my world is expanding this way. You know me, the pragmatic side.