Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Why Was I Thinking Of Gilligan Today?

First of all, it was a thirteen hour tour, not a three hour tour.  Secondly, despite their efforts to make the island feel like home, there was never a burger chain involved with Gilligan.  But I thought of him just the same.  It may have had something to do with the fact that our tour included travel between and among five "islands" of a sort, specifically, the Cinque. d' Terre.  Who would have thought Italy would even have a national park? It just sounds to American somehow. Cinque d' Terre is a collection of five fishing villages that typify such places as they existed for centuries along the Ligorian shore of the Mediterranean Sea.  Italy has created a tourist attraction that is beautiful and majestic.  Walking their streets and boating between them gave a splendid pair of perspectives.  One close-up and touching the stone streets the shops, the churches and the homes of its inhabitants.  The other offers a view of these villages perched on the sides of mountains, green with vegetation, even trees that seem to rise out of the sea.  Their vibrant colors add to the natural beauty of the place.  It was a joy.

However, it was a thirteen hour excursion.  And it included lots of walking and stair-climbing.  It was an ordeal in some respects.  Who can blame us for the moment of weakness that put us in a Burger King in Florence, Italy (not to be confused with Florence, Alabama, where Burger King visits are much more common).  On average, the eight of us probably averaged four years since our last visit to any Burger King.  Yet we took some TEMPORARY comfort there.  I say temporary, because after walking home, we data in our living room groaning about how our stomachs felt.  It all wonder  if we might not have been better off on one of Gilligan's three hour tours, even with the risk those entailed.

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