Monday, October 13, 2014

Am I Walkative Or Talkative?

Am I Walkative or Talkative?

Caught a cab to the Colisseum to start the day.  Walked up to the top of the plaza of the king,  celebrates the unification of Italy in 1861 .  Honoring Victor  Emanuel...after the fall of the Roman Empire, the first time Italy was re~unified was in 1861, folllowed by designation of a rebuilding Rome as its capital in 1871.  Decided to sit at a cafe across the street. waiting for our more  walkative lfriends who walked the Forum~including the Colisseum, Palatine Hill and the Pantheon.  When their stretched from.two hours to four, we opted for returning to the hotel to talk and relax with a wee bit of wine in lieu of studious pursuits.     Dinner at the hotel with several more bottles of wine for our thirsty walkers  was surprisingly good.  We all relaxed, enjoying our last night in Rome.

Jim B

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