Sunday, October 5, 2014

Mazeophobia In Venice

Mazeophobia In Venice

Getting around in any place new is awkward at best.  In Venice, it's frightening.  Even with a map,  nothing is straight and everything looks the same, even when what you are seeing IS the same--or you thought it was the last three times you wound up back in this same spot.

Then see what happens when it gets dark and you realize you didn't sleep at all the night because you were on a plane flying here in a coach seat you really could not recline because you knew the passenger behind you was also six feet tall and jammed into his own seat.

Now, I wouldn't be here writing this if we hadn't eventually found our way but come on, how does anyone find their way?  And don't tell me some satellite GPS system would take care of this.  I don't believe you. These alleys are four feet wide or less.  Your satellite can't see it.

I went looking for a term that describes what we were feeling as we pondered leaving our apartment this morning--it's known in psychological studies as mazeophobia--The irrational fear of becoming lost in a maze from which you never escape. But this
 seems so real. I for one don't think it's irrational at all....

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