Friday, June 21, 2013

He Quoted Thoreau, Nin and?

We met a man today and he quoted Henry David Thoreau and Anais Nin.  He was working hard to impress, but making a point in his own way.  I didn't know the third speaker, but could remember what he said, "Leap and the net will appear."  It turns out that was John Burroughs, a mountain climber.  I knew Thoreau's, "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined."  Our man is telling us he's marching to a new drummer.

At first, I didn't remember the Anais Nin quote.  She talked about who you are, but what was it?  I had a recent run-in with Ms. Nin, so I knew where to look for that one.  "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.”  With all that said, what was he driving at?

Is he convincing us he's taking a chance, pursuing a dream he didn't know before?  Is he on the lookout for that net he's expecting to appear?  Is he attempting to find out if we will be a part of his net?  Ms. Nin is asking us to look within for who we are and realize we are seeing a world of our own creation.  What we become, becomes our world.  

We are watching him create his new world, marching in the direction of his dreams, making a leap, confident he will find a net below him.  How he chose to say those things to two perfect strangers, I do not know.  But he had a reason.  He's buying our house, and building something that fits his dream.  I hope he gets that chance, he's moving, that's for sure.

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