Monday, October 29, 2012

Arrete un peu...

There are always some things we would like to see stopped, but only just a little.  Like when someone else's favorite team is getting thrashed, or a person you know to be difficult is getting his/her comeuppance.  Or even when the guy who tailgated you for miles then zoomed around you, when you see him stopped by the police, you wouldn't be ok with their shooting him, would you?  Sure, a couple of taps with the nightstick, but ....  stop, just a little. 

Or, perhaps it's when someone is complimenting you a tad too much.  "Oh stop, just a little," you say.  Or when someone walks on your back, or squeezes your shoulders.  You know it should be stopped, but it feels so nice.  In the back of your mind, you recognize that things will get out of balance if you don't stop.    

Too much of a good thing?  Sure, that can happen.  I read a piece the other day by a man berating his fellow countrymen for the fact that too many of them are obese.  Oh, but those Angus burgers (or that Gino's deep dish pizza or Blue Bell ice cream or homemade blackberry cobbler, or shamrock shakes, or white chocolate cheesecake, or macadamia nut white chocolate chip cookies) are delicious....   I have found the only way I can stay away from those things is to quit, cold turkey.  I am in day three of my latest effort to avoid sugar.  I have had no candy, cookies, cake, pies, cobbler at all (yeah, great accomplishment--THREE WHOLE DAYS!  Seriously?)  But, ignoring the doubters, I know that I will lose some weight if I stick with this complete abstinence for a few weeks.  I cannot touch them, however.  If I start trying just one, I know I will wind up burying myself in sugar.  

All things in moderation, you say?  The only people who say (and actually live up to) those words are the ones that never had a weakness for a certain treat  You can usually tell them by the fact they are SKINNY.  Fat people don't employ moderation in nearly anything, except for dieting and some forms of exercise.  They are able to walk away from a diet, saying "this is just too much dieting, my life will soon be out of balance if I don't quit this diet, or too much exercise just increases my appetite, so I'm going to cut back."  Now there's some moderation for you.      

But let's get back to that "stop, a little."  If you feel the need to say it, try French, they might just not understand it, especially if you purr.  

P.S.  That fattest country, I bet you were thinking "Aha, it's those fat Americans!"  Not so.  It was Australia.  They are the fat ones.  Here it is: *Today the Australian Bureau of Statistics announced that 63% of Australians are over-weight or obese; a new record."  Hah, they are the fatsos!  (Oops, "Arrete un peu, mon ami.)"

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