Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What I Want for Christmas

Every year it comes back around, the inevitable question. This time, I was given a full thirty minutes before my daughter arrived with the two grandchildren, all of them looking forward to a great afternoon. The grandkids had me looking after them (always a treat for them), and Bridget had her mother and a head start on Christmas shopping. Hence, the question, and I had no immediate answer. I mean, I had a vague recollection of thinking about it once before when she made a veiled reference, but...

How about a cure for all the illnesses that everyone I know seems to be coming down with? A year of two free of the natural disasters that seem to be showing up more and more frequently? Peace on Earth? No Iranian nuclear program? The end of drug wars around the world that seem to be growing, the more we enforce our own silly laws that seem to inject super profit margins into what otherwise would be simple commodities (poppies, marijuana, etc.). None of that's possible, I'm afraid. It's just more wishing for cosmic Christmas events that just won't happen. So, let's take it down to the personal level.

What can I change? Oh, I can be more charitable, who can't? Still, I wouldn't do much of anything differently, maybe try to be closer to my siblings and friends--but geography is what it is, and we all stay with our own children and grandchildren if we are lucky enough to have them.

Give me the good sense to savor what comes along, good and bad. To see this world as perfect just as it is, and to make my way in it holding onto compassion, generosity, and patience in the hope of helping others make their way. OK, that's what I want for Christmas.

Which leaves me with the question, what do I want for Christmas, really.

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