Friday, November 18, 2011

Idea-lings and Sleeping On It

I awoke at 3:00 AM today. It's a privilege my age and circumstances have bestowed on me of late. On these occasions, I have the opportunity to do some of my clearest thinking. I fear losing that clarity by morning, although there is no real evidence of this to which I can point (At this point, if you have forgotten it, you have to wonder if you can recall enough to regret it, don't you?). Anyway--this is what got me out of bed--5 paths lay before me. Two of these paths are already existing opportunities which I have either joined or applied to join. I will continue to pursue them. The other three are just idea-lings, partially-formed ideas or seeds of thoughts.

Yes. I've heard the expression, "Just sleep on it." But I am not so sure that is as good as writing on it. "Writing on it" gives me access to lots of different thought directions. I sit to write and the idea-lings grow in my head. They sprout questions I can chase while I'm at it (Oh, I'll just google that and see what I can find). Chasing the questions produces a harvest of next steps that begin dropping all over the place. I rake them in and put them on lists (God, I love my lists). And so it goes until I feel I can sleep again, like now. Good night idea-lings.

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