Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanks Again

How many Thanksgivings have you been on this planet? Can you remember a consistent answer to the question that always arises? What are you thankful for? (Excuse the dangling preposition, but the only alternative that comes to mind is this one--what is that for which you are thankful? Yuck!)

Back to thanks, some were related to visits--thanks for safe travels, for bountiful tables and for visiting relatives or friends. Some related to life-events—births, adoptions, marriages, engagements, graduations, new jobs. And then there are things—new homes, new cars, raises, bonuses, and more.

So what really counts? I mean, what could you do without, and still be grateful? Do without travel and with less food? Sure, and maybe you could do without the new jobs, bonuses, raises, new cars and new houses? Probably could. Now, you still need a job and a roof over your head to be thankful, don’t you? Not always, if you have a spouse with a job and/or resources to get you through the rough patch, you may be able to make do without the job and focus on something else (like being thankful you have a spouse). Being without a roof over your head is another question—be it ever so humble, there’s no place like, etc. So, I am thankful for having a home.

But most of the important things I have been thankful for are people in some form or other. New additions to the family—babies, children, fiancĂ©es/spouses—are especially important to Thanksgiving holidays. Successes that happen for family members are somehow more things you can savor again at Thanksgiving. My son has a job (thank you, Lord), he’s been promoted and complimented on his performance (again, thanks). My daughter and her husband have jobs, and their two children are growing and healthy and strong (thanks again and again and again).

When I recall some of the happiest Thanksgivings, I don’t really remember the whats we were celebrating, but I can picture the whos. My favorite measure of a good Thanksgiving is the size of the group of friends and family you assemble, so I’m certain what I am thankful for are the people in my life, those I can be with and those I can’t. So, thanks again.

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