Monday, April 16, 2018

The Twilight Of Easter

T’was the evening of Easter and in the backyard
We watched all those golfers not working too hard

No clouds in the sky were there to be spotted.
We saw going by the deer as they trotted

Near our side of the woods they’re headed for home
‘round us neither antelope nor buffalo roam.

Seeing all this wildlife, you might think it funny  
That despite all this watching, we’ve seen not one bunny.

But we’re thankful it’s springtime in South Carolina
And to be here at Easter, not much could be finer.

We somehow wound up here, the causes aren’t clear 
But complaints out of us, you surely won’t hear. 

We set aside part of almost every spring day 
To give thanks to the forces that came into play.

Our kids and our grands are both quite nearby,
And that’s one more reason that we never cry--
“We wish that we lived in northern Illinois!”
But we’ll soon come to visit, cold air to enjoy.

Meanwhile, we’re sending “Happy Easter,” wishes
ta-ta for now, I must do the dishes. 

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