Sunday, April 22, 2018

Sue Grafton and Kinsey Milhone

Thoughts About Sue That Might Make Us Blue

Is there a day coming when we will all moan
Where on earth have you gone, Kinsey Milhone?

The Alphabet Mysteries were Sue Grafton’s creation, 
Which became a detective story treat for the nation. 

We first met Kinsey with A is for Alibi
From imminent danger Kinsey never did shy,

As the years went by Sue led us along
Through the rest of the alphabet and didn’t do wrong, 

Meaning of course that she never skipped a letter 
Though Sue might have titled some a bit better. 

Which leads me on to a dumb question 
Did she write these books before creating the title?
Or was the title itself really quite vital
In setting the course of each succeeding book,
Which left the rest of the story for the players to cook.

I find myself looking ahead to her grand finale  
Ah, Z is for Zip just sounds right up her alley.

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