Thursday, March 30, 2017

A & W's 2017

Yes, the A and W's that day in 2017
They went to talk about life all those years they’d seen. 
Since they’d left high school back in Sixty-Eight
And see old friends, hearin’ tales, small and great

In Mesa Arizona they did congregate.
It wasn’t just the Cubs they came to celebrate,
But more likely the stories they would hear told
About lives filled with some new things, some old.

Like gray hairs on Crowls, Sheehan and Beans
Not looking much like themselves as teens.
And then just look at Dirk, Erik and Denny
Among those guys there were changes plenty,
It's just right now I can't think of any.
But, oh there were laughs and stories many.

First, Denny, whose efforts drew us all here,
To the Cubs’ training camp he made us all steer.
Persuasive as always, “we can do it” he insisted.
With that kind of effort, who could have resisted.

Erik wrote he’d handsomely matured
About handsome we’ll just have to take his word.
Maturity’s in question, he’s ridden that bike
Way longer, we’re sure than his wife would like.

We have one guy who loves to talk politics.
Sayin’ those right-wingers are up to their old tricks
Tellin’ us Socialists are the only wise owls
Yep, it sure is nice to see old Crowls.

 Way too long since we’ve seen Bob Sheehan
Up in Sioux City, a good grandpa he’s bein’
About those Cubs he cares not one iota
He’s probably closer to Minnesota.

We’ve all heard a lot about Ol‘ Durk
In Saratoga Springs, the summers he did work
Now retired, there he sits on his kiester,
Says he loves it ‘cept when there’s a Nor’Easter.

Bremner was there from the Eastern Shore,
You might be wondering, just what he wore.
Well, of course, he wore his L.L. Bean’s
What else would serve as good blue jeans
For a guy that they once nicknamed Beans?

Don’t forget Jim Kane and Old Ralph Scafuri,
Ralph worked in hospitals, and Jim before a jury.
Ralph became a doctor, specializing in joints. 
Jim, a lawyer, knows the law’s finer points.
Did you know today they both live in Arizona?
Don’t you think that’s too close to Terry Francona?

And here’s a toast to Tony, John and Eddie
Who left this earth before we were ready,
And to Erik, the Bag and Good Old Hags
We wish they could’ve packed their bags

To join us here in Mesa, hot and sweaty.

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