Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Travel Bans, Big Plans, Eagles and Beagles

We’ve Got A Plan
It was at first the president’s grand plan,
It would start out as just a temporary ban

We’ll have the people who Enforce Immigration and Customs
 Just stop all the bad ones, but that’s where the rub comes.

‘Cause how can ICE decide who to welcome or to ban?
And the courts started sayin' "not just anybody can."

But Isn’t Immigration A Kind Of Two-Way Street?
Two ways, it turns out, humanity steadily flows.
So shutting off the current caused a great many woes

It seems you need to know more than one’s birth nation
Or else your choices can cause much consternation.

You see “vetting a process” is not just bein’ on your toes.
Alas, these are families, not just friends or foes.

And What About Those That Are Already Here?
Oh that’s just a simple thing, the costs are minimal
We’ll only send away those that did something criminal

Whoa, but what about “innocent ‘til proven guil-a-ty”
Only the courts have that responsibility

Now all kinds of people crowd ‘round the airport terminal
Not just friends but others whose bonds are familial. 

How Do We Know Who is A Criminal Now?
If crossing the border paperless is not strictly legal,
And a criminal’s one who’s done something illegal.

Then all illegals they find will now be deported
Is the President’s intent here being distorted?

Should our “strength and freedom” evoke the Bald Eagle,
Or is it more like Snoopy the Speechless Beagle?

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