Wednesday, May 28, 2014

New Routines for the Thinking Person

New Routines for the Thinking Person

Experimentation--there's nothing more human to me than trying on a new routine or action.   It's how we grow, and I think it is part of what separates the thinking human from the rest of creation (such an old-time expression "creation").  The thinking human tries something new when what he's been doing hasn't worked, or he wants to improve on it.  He (or she) experiments and tracks the effectiveness of the new approach.  If it works, he will continue the experiment, if it fails, he will not.  Of course, the insane--and unthinking--human keeps trying the same old thing, while expecting different results.

Which brings up the question, is thinking and experimenting the opposite of insanity?  The definition of insanity, after all, is to continue doing the same thing and expecting different results, isn't it?  So, when life hands the thinking human a challenge, she experiments with new actions or approaches to see if they might be more effective (or even, God forbid, more fun).  Instead of the same old routine, which for one reason or another, you simply don't believe will work, try something new.

I know, you are probably sitting there asking whatever happened to the virtue of forming good habits and following them--exercise every day; eat small, but more frequent, meals; avoid high fat and high sugar foods, like donuts and coca-cola, and blah, blah, blah....  All well and good, but the situation I posed at the start was a situation where where "what he's been doing hasn't worked, or he wants to improve on it."  Some days are saved by good habits and routines, and some days require something new.

I knew today would be one of those that required something new.  Yesterday was especially tiring, we drove an hour and a half, worked almost ceaselessly until dark, then drove home, showered and went to bed.  Today, I'm scheduled to have a session with my personal trainer, then immediately drive forty-five minutes for a lesson, and, in the evening, play ball for an hour or two.  A nap will have to fit in there somewhere, but that's not new, and isn't enough to get me started right.  So today, just this once, I tried something new.  While waiting for my herbal tea to brew, I went to the freezer and helped myself to two spoonfuls of Cookies 'n' Cream Ice Cream made with real Oreo Cookies.  So far so good, I feel better already.  I'll have to let you know how the rest of the day goes--all in the interest of thoughtful experimentation, of course.

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