Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Training Camp

Our villa sits beneath the outstretched limbs of a giant oak.  It is at least five feet in diameter and, is thus home to, thousands upon thousands of acorns.  Those acorns fall this time of year, at least I hope it is only this time of year.  More often than not, it sounds like footsteps on the tile roof.  That's why I was not surprised to discover our rooftops have been used in a secret project.  Here, commandos, cat burglars and contestants trying out for the cirque d'soleil all learn how to drop to a surface with a sound like an acorn hitting a roof on a fall day.

I am pretty sure it's early in the session, judging by the number that sound like burglars on the roof.  There are a handful that sound like mice in the rafters, they must be the precocious beginners.  The rest of the torrent is probably the acorns.  Any day now, we expect a horde of squirrels to arrive, charged with storing the acorns for some nefarious purpose no doubt.

in the mean time, we sleep irregularly, with the noises of the night punctuated by the sound of "falling acorns."  

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