Wednesday, June 20, 2018

No Empty Well

Well you can't leave a well empty
the result looks unkempty

yes that rhyme was a stretch
but it will help me to sketch 

an idea that came to me early today-- 
I wonder have I been so long at play

that I might set out to amass and assemble 
a book of my verse that when piled up might tremble,

but would reach up so high 
that it just might resemble 

a poetry book full of verses
that fell from my brain versus
all that negative stuff that surrounded
me at times and almost confounded

yes a book of light verse just might be the thing
'twould be more like using one's brain to rehearse
these little ditties and block that virtual hearse

that feels at times like it's able to block out and bring 
a halt to all joy and delight that arises
from life at its heights--so full of surprises

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