Wednesday, June 6, 2018

In The Main It's Vain

This collection of verse to me almost looks
Like enough for one of those self-published books.
But someone keeps telling me "No, No No never
I won't live with a self-published author ever!"

Many self-published authors should stay up in the bleachers
Instead of showing up on the field as one of those dreaded creatures
Whose work would embarrass each one of their teachers
And might be condemned by all sorts of preachers.

They make self-published novels or other collections,
Their work often heads in all sorts of directions.
These unpublished authors at times are called indie,
But more often than not are referred to as windy.

Ah, but continue they must, these helpless writers
Oft-times we wish they'd become entertaining providers
Of delight, instead of just being internet schemers.
And we hope for a gem from these impossible dreamers

Most of those stories listing famous self-published writers
like Stephen King, Twain and Poe are passed on by blighters.
Explanations are found if one only digs,
Self-published authors don't make the bigs.

So printing one' own book--while not a sign of insanity--
My guess is more likely a matter of vanity.

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