Saturday, January 6, 2018

Some Days He’ll Wax Poetic (continued)

Some Days He’ll Wax Poetic (continued)

Some days he’ll wax poetic,
On others, it's just pathetic

Perhaps it comes from too much hard work, he mused.
Unable to recall any work, that notion seemed confused.

Now suppose each day that he insisted
That his first act each day consisted
Of wordcraft and some exercise—
Though too much exertion seems unwise

Ah, but should a rhyme arrive,
He can take it for a drive.

And if he feels a spin,
He might just dive right in.

He won’t really wish to swim,
Such commitment bothers him.

That’s why he values the diving
It precludes all the striving,

It ‘s merely sink or swim
Which makes beginning simpler for him.

Now and then his muse will ignore him
And he finds there’s little help for him

Leaving him to struggle and grope

While he ‘s at the keyboard, one can hope

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