Saturday, July 5, 2014

Getting Unstuck

Getting Unstuck

I've been stuck on Project 12, so I stopped writing daily as the challenge had been laid out.  Writing every day has not ever been a habit with me, usually one day out of three, sometimes twice or three times in a row.  It's supposed to be fun, after all, not a chore or a duty.  But this morning is beautiful out my window once more.  The hurricane blew past us, dumping on the Outer Banks, I'd imagine, unless it turned out to sea.  Once they sweep by, the hurricanes leave us with a couple of clear and bright days like this one.  We've come to expect it, but it is still fine as can be.  I'm waiting for my better half to join me in a beach walk--forget the shopping and other chores we must do and just walk.

No dice.  She's got "too much to do."  Oh well, I'll take some sort of walk just the same, while she shops.  I'll report on it later.

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