Friday, September 20, 2013

More of Murphy's Move

And the grand finale, the furniture doesn't fit.  Oh, that comes after the roof repair crew arrives and begins removing the ceramic tile roof on moving day, with their scaffold edging into the only entrance to the villa, not quite blocking it, but....  And that was after hearing about the standard $30 fuel surcharge charged for the four mile trip from the self-storage facility to our villa.

But the day began with rebooting the modem and router on the cable internet service for the sixth time in the three days it has been installed.  Which took place the day after we contacted the phone company to ask why our voice mail wasn't working, along with caller ID and call waiting, which were said to be included in our service.  At that point, I was informed that they needed to add them to my account, no explanation was offered as to why it hadn't been there as promised when I signed up.

All of this followed the discovery that one of our bedrooms was damaged by water seeping in from an issue with the roof.  This we reported to the property manager, who declined to respond, since "on their records" we were not yet the owners.  To preclude any repeat, I had contacted the paralegal who handled the transaction and asked for her help in establishing that the check indeed had been provided to the property manager along with the deed.  Two days later, I learned the check had been mailed to a PO Box used by the property manager--used until they had cancelled it several weeks previously.  So the documents and check had been returned and was subsequently mailed to the property manager.  Several days later that was sorted out and they responded.

This followed a week of waiting for our beds to arrive, both had been ordered immediately before and after the closing of the real estate transaction, but delivery was delayed, and the beds finally showed six days after we closed.  Ahh, we could lay our heads on our own beds.  Having spent the night there, we soon became dissatisfied with sitting only on beach or card table chairs inside our new place.  You see, our couches were not due for delivery from storage until a week from the next Friday; also, we had given away our dining room table and chairs when we sold the house, since we expected to move into a furnished place.  So we had to find a set that would fit into our new place.  That took several days, while we waited for new tables to arrive at the furniture store that we had come closest with.  The chairs and a table arrived on a Friday, and we went to look.  We found what we wanted, bought it and scheduled delivery as soon as we could, three days later.  Today, we added our own furniture and it is complete.  We have moved into our new home, completely.

That is eighty-six days after we moved out of our house--more than 12 weeks later.  Our original plan had us traveling to a couple of weddings in early July and moving into our new home the same day we returned, having closed using a power of attorney while we were on our trip.  Our biggest concern was how to get our new keys if we arrived after hours.  But that all fell through, and that's another story--trust me, there were plenty more turns like those described above.

In any case, that didn't work out, and Murphy's Law took us on an odyssey.  I call it Murphy's Move.

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