Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Wynton Marsalis and Eric Clapton--It took a moment

OK, I have loved almost everything Eric Clapton has done as he has grown up, or older, if you prefer. The one project that never took for me was Clapton and Steve Winwood. I always liked Winwood as a solo performer and Traffic was truly an experience for me, but I guess I never did earn my hard rock stripes. Most of Clapton and Winwood was way off for me.

But set that aside--Delaney and Bonnie and Friends, Riding With the King and more--were all finds for me, and I still listen to them. I saw a brief piece on the title collaboration and I was sold. But I wasn't prepared for what sounded to me like Dixieland Band stuff and it was a tad off-putting. About the 4th cut, "The Last Time" was the turning point for me and I never looked back. It is a ride not everybody may be ready for, but just try it and don't give up until you have heard at least five cuts.

It has set me to thinking about people and things I found off-putting at first. I have a friend or two that I have known for twenty, thirty or forty years or so that I didn't appreciate the way I do now. Truth be told, they probably exhibited more patience getting to know me more than I had to for them. Give people a chance to grow on you is one lesson I have learned. Am I ready to do it again?

What else is there in my life today that I had a hard time with a first? I remember distinctly a year or so when I dreaded Sunday nights--I had to face going to work on Monday and I was deeply depressed on those nights. But we had a newborn baby and I had a wife who made a leap of faith marrying me and moving twice to follow my career, so I just had to make it work. Not more than two years later, I was hooked. I loved what I did. Go figure, just give it some time and you will learn and grow and take great satisfaction from the most surprising things. Am I prepared to do it again?

I hope so....

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