Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Craig's List and Today's Economy

Did you see the USA Today article today about desperately unemployed advertising services via the free classifieds on Craig's List. It's almost like the roadside "will work for food" sign holders. A step above, but just another data point on how upside-down our world has become. USA Today calls the free classifieds a portal into the misery of people trying to find jobs, especially the people approaching three years without a regular job. These are people willing to do an sort of work or odd job for money, and they have turned to Craig's list to make contact.

I've written before about how many jobs are filled each month, even in these times of no job growth. Some number of people are leaving jobs and being replaced, even in the worst of times. Don't believe me? Go to the Job Openings and Labor Turnover report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and see for yourself, Even in the worst months of this recession, there are literally millions of jobs available. But, those jobs are not available to the long-term unemployed and to those who failed to graduate from high school.

Feel sorry for yourself, go read this article Copy and paste he following into your web browser:

These are some folks that need work to feed themselves and their families. instead of just feeling sorry for themselves, they are doing something. You can't help but admire them.

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