Friday, September 30, 2011


A friend of mine told me a story today--she talked about "S-cubed"-sharing, searching and I don't know the third one. I just know I am in the sharing stage. Learning to express myself and not hold things within. Not that there are hidden things/thoughts/feelings that shouldn't be held in, but rather that expressing yourself is becoming whole. If you don't let it out or express it, you aren't whole and you aren't becoming what you can be. Interesting thought, another thing that comes up for me is that I would normally have stopped short once I forgot what the 3rd "S" stands for. Not today, I HAVE to write something today.

I guess I could have emailed her to get it, but here I am anyway. Google had some hilarious alternatives from science students' society, to sexual selection switch to the volume of a cube of one side of "s" dimension. After 14 pages of Google results, I decided my friend had just shared something of her own self, and that I am one of a relative handful of people privileged to know it.

Anyway, searching means looking for what will move you in a direction (Update: I went back to Google and tried a modified search--15 pages later, I am back). So beyond just sharing what is inside, you are searching for what you want--what is your passion--what will make life better. Makes sense (Update: I just sent her an e-mail asking her for a clue). I am giving up for today!

Another piece of her message I will need to think through was this: 50% Work you care about and 50% Play you like=100% passion. Thanks, Alison and let me know what the 3rd "S" was!

OK, I am back,and I know what the 3 S's are! (no, my memory is not improving--she answered my email). Say, share and search. I think I was there. I am saying it, and sharing (via this humble beginning as a post) and searching is what this whole effort is about--finding my voice. Hmmmm.

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