Thursday, April 23, 2020

Quarantining in South Carolina

A whole new dictionary-us
Thanks to their contrariness

Those politicians constantly changing
Forget there’s lives they’re rearranging

Don’t be hoarders
Follow orders, 

They’re all so Conflicted
Deciding what’s Restricted

The president says “it’s up to me”
The governors seem to disagree.

New Yorkers who cant’ leave town
Will have to be in lock down

What means this “self isolation?” 
Is it the same across the nation

And what do I do in self-quarantine 
Keep washing hands until they’re clean?

They say “essential” workers aren’t confined
by whom will “essential” be defined?

Don’t you dare to ask, 
just wear the mask.

So we’re at home just resting
Confined without any testing
Hoping that some curve will soon be cresting

Go home
Stay home
Never to roam
Except to shop, buy drugs, exercise, visit family
Get a haircut, watch wrestling