Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Do You Subscribe To Unsubscribing?

This morning I unsubscribed from seventeen (17) mailing lists.  This is the second time I have been so mean as to unsubscribe from many of these same devoted correspondents.  Last time, some (a very, very few, I am disappointed to report) were unable to overcome the pain of my stinging rejection, and have not returned.  Others left, but mysteriously returned a couple of months later.  Just letting bygones be bygones, I guess.  Several, I am almost certain, never left.  Now, the nuclear option would be to change my email address and simply disconnect myself entirely.  The trouble with taking that approach is nearly one half of the one hundred twenty-five passwords of which I keep track have an email address as their "User ID."  Now you know--I actually do keep a list (not on my computer) of my various identities with the web sites of the world.  Going to all of those web sites to determine how (or if) I can change my user ID (not password, mind you--user ID) sounds even more boring than unsubscribing to umpteen newsletters/ad messages.

Back to that written list of ID's and passwords--yes, an enterprising burglar could break in and steal all those passwords and my identity.  It seems funny to me that growing up, the only identities I heard about were "secret identities" that Superman, Batman and Spiderman  (and, not to be sexist--Superwoman, Wonder Woman and Supergirl), etc. had assumed, presumably so they could have a little privacy themselves.  Now we all have "identities," which we are expected to keep "secret."  I'm starting to feel pretty important, having a "secret identity."  Is superhero status in my future, or (unbeknownst to me) is it already here? (Hello, i am Unsubscriberman, and no, I don't like the nickname Unsub--that's a fancy name for a suspect on lots of police shows ...)?  

But I've gotten off track.  This was about unsuccessful unsubscribing to which I am unaccustomed.  Until now, I, unsuspecting--as you probably are--had assumed my correspondents would not be so uncooperative (ugh!).  I am giving all of them another chance to drop out of my correspondents list.  My guess is they don't care.  Heck, I'm dumping them anyway, so what do they care what I think of them?  Maybe they don't realize I am on my way to becoming a superhero.

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