Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Two This Time

To-Do List Before You Go

Before you go, can I have some time alone just to talk with you?
Before you go, will you tell me all the things that I did well?
Before you go, will you tell me about all the chances that I blew,
And let me know why for all these years these things you never did tell?

Before you go, will you take that Leap, will you talk to God?
Before you go, will you ask Him to recall the times you were at your best?
Before you go, will you ask Him to grant forgiveness for all the rest?

Before you go, will you tell us how it felt when you knew that you were leaving?
Before you go, will you tell us why you told no one, didn’t let us share your grieving?
Before you go, will you let us in
and give us a chance just to fill you in
 on how much it is we love you.

Before you go, will you understand that we loved you so,
even at those times when it didn’t show?
Before you go, will you smile on through, even as we cry,
 or better still please just laugh out loud like a soul brand new?
Before you go, please tell me how we can get along without you,
And before you go, will you please just say goodbye?

Ashes On The Lakeshore

Some day some trusted old friends will go
Make good on a promise for a pair movin’ on.
To the dunes once more in New Buffalo
Place their ashes together and cast them on
The shores of Lake Michigan where once they would go
On Harley rides, those autumn days seem so long ago,
Easy Riders no more, two true Angels ride on.


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