Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Some Truth About Curmudgeonism

I am now at an age where reforming my actions and words so that I no longer utter anything but the truth, will cause me to be labeled a curmudgeon.  If a glass is half-empty and I describe it as such, I am being negative.  If it started out full, and now half of it is gone, that is half-empty!  I agree that if it began half-full, and added enough water, it would be full.  If it began half full and appeared to be adding water, I would acknowledge when it was halfway there, I would say it is half-full.  If it starts out half-empty and the rest is poured out, is it not empty?  If it is heading in one direction or the other, why not offer the clue as to what you see going on—that glass is emptying, and it’s halfway there.  Hmmm, there seems little doubt that so some, I am becoming a curmudgeon (defined, with the help of my friends at Google asa person, especially an old man, who is easily annoyed or angered and who often complains").  

Given the obvious sexism that allows curmudgeon to be labeled as a male in most definitions, I now prefer the term disambiguationist—one who simply makes things clearer by removing ambiguity (perhaps even telling the truth).

With all that said, I want to acknowledge something, politicians are liars—we all have seen this.  So, when one politician accuses another of lying, why is that a noteworthy comment?  They all lie.  But what about lying about one’s opponent, is that less than acceptable?  Is the other person’s integrity (or lack thereof) some sort of sacred ground?  Yes, he lied.  So did the guy who accused him of lying.  Is there a ranking of lies that would guide us toward the better person for the job?  A first-degree liar would be preferred over a second-degree one?  Looking past that little swamp of idealistic illusion, is lying ok if the one lying is my guy?  I don’t mind a liar, as long as he’s on my side?  Hence, whoever is elected would become my kind of person, a liar who is lying for me.  He’s lying about the ever-increasing national debt.  But, I can have this benefit or avoid this unfavorable outcome if I go along with the lie.  Oh my, the election season, which grows longer each time around, brings out the curmudgeon in me, and that’s the truth.

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