Thursday, February 14, 2013

Trying It

The premise here is that there is a second half of life to explore in ways that you choose.  This may mean an entirely new avenue you always wished you had time to pursue, or an old one in ways that you decide, not someone else. All well and good.  It's pretty straightforward.  You have the time and the financial Independence, you spent the first half of your life earning it.    But the question soon arises.  What do I really want from all this?  Do I want to develop a talent I have neglected over time?  Do i want to devote this time/effort to myself and my family?  Am I in this to serve others or give back in some way?  The questions keep piling up for many of us.  It can be paralyzing, at times.  I know it is for me. 

Just lately, I have found that this vacillation between or among alternatives is pretty common, especially among the who want their second half to be more than just a well-deserved rest.  Not to say that I am beyond that notion of resting, just that I can't afford to get sluggish.  I have some special reasons for that.  Staying active, physically, keeps one active mentally.  If you don't believe me, look it up.  One of the best things you can do to ward off depression is to exercise regularly.  But I digress.  I have been dithering about what's next, and that's what i wanted to talk about.  The best thing I have discovered (or rediscovered, perhaps), is to start doing things.  Try on what you consider and see what fits.  I have tackled three things in the last few weeks, The first one is complete, I thoroughly enjoyed it, and want to do it again.  It is just not likely to become a lifelong pursuit.  The second is underway, and what I've seen so far is good, but there/s a lot more to go.  The third lies before me, and it is so different, I am starting to feel a little of that dread that attaches itself to big changes sometimes.  Wish me luck..       

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