Thursday, January 24, 2013

And The Present Moment Widens

Each time my friends share their truths, the present moment somehow expands, and my life is enlarged.   How?  My eyes widen as if I glimpse another momentary miracle, or some small vision of the universe anew.  What is this, and how can I have more?  The fact is I only see or hear these truths when I offer my own.  Too often, I harbor these without believing they are things I have in common with others, somehow I convince myself that these simple truths are singular and isolated, that my inner life is just my own and shared by no one else.  But every now and then, life reminds us through those we love, that nothing worth having is not worth sharing, that our lives expand, not by accumulating, but by giving it away.  Of all people, the late Erma Bombeck, in a serious moment, pointed this out---that life and living are meant to be given away and not stored up.  She observed that, when she stood before God at the end of her life, she hoped she wouldn't have a single bit of talent left.  "I used everything you gave me," was what she hoped to tell her Creator.  It will never be about what we won, or clung to or kept for ourselves.  It will only be about what we let go of, and freely passed on.          

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