Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Working It Out

A few months ago, I started work with a personal trainer, Kaitlen by name. We're working on making me:
  • more flexible,
  • stronger,
  • exhibit better posture and
  • become more open to the mind-body connection as explained in yoga.
The latter is Kaitlen's objective for me, and I'm going along with it in the name of learning something new. One of the things that makes the workouts easier to get through is listening to Kaitlen expound on her own special view of yoga for the common man.

Anyway, I am finding that the daily exercise (including a weekly visit with Kaitlen) is helping me think more clearly and rid myself of some of those nagging little worries, like whether I'll ever be able to sell my house and retire, or whether my son will find the career he truly wants or otherwise find his way in the world, how my daughter will adjust to life with two newly-adopted children, or whether I will maintain my independence into my eighties.

When I leave the gym, all those things seem to have been worked out. I feel better, I walk straighter, I breathe more deeply, and I can sense that all of the worries will resolve without me having to obsess about them. I can't breathe the past or breathe the future, I can only breathe the present. So I plan to keep breathing today.

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