Yes, it's true. I have a birthday. Thankful to be around for one more. Getting over the flu this week has reminded me how important feeling good can be to making progress. Everything I usually initiate ground to a halt, and I just reacted to what came along. Not exactly living the life you imagined. Makes me marvel at those who struggle with chronic health challenges, and wonder how they cope. That takes me to where I want to be in another year.
I'm finding that progress for me can be measured around birthdays far more effectively than the passing of calendar years. You see, each calendar year measures the time of the planet earth or of civilization, not my time. On the other hand, each birthday I know my little window of opportunity has shortened by another year. It's probably why Tim Crowley's book, Younger Next Year, appealed to me so when I first ran across it. I have adopted a few of his recommendations, but have a long way to go in restoring myself physically. But I take courage from the fact that I get twice as much exercise and weigh 30 lbs. less than I did just two birthdays ago. But, I digress. In the coming year, I want to upgrade my level of exercise (to five days a week of aerobics and 4 for strength) and drop another 10 lbs. I also want to show up here and exercise my brain a whole lot more. That means writing twice a week, so let's get going.
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