Saturday, January 4, 2020

Ozarks at New Year’s

My muse this morning perched upon my shoulder
Just to jabber at me about getting older.

Now I sit here in the daylight at the Matye’s Lake House
Mostly trying out here to be quiet as a mouse.

We’ve come to observe the arrival of the year 2020.
If I’ve heard it right I think we’ll see chocolate aplenty.

What else, if you please, would you find in a “chocolate martini”
Chocolate Bailey’s, liqueur and syrup in a glass not so teeny.

Me, I prefer the contemplative moments, 
Soberly looking at the parting year’s remnants.

Who and what lives on, what is frowned upon,
Lake d’Ozark’s a fine place to gaze down on.

 My conclusion—we should all stick around another year 
While we breathe there’s nary a thing to fear.